Gold Coast Camera Hire

Westcott 100cm Compact Umbrella - White Satin

The 100cm Optical White Satin Diffusion Umbrella from Westcott is a light modifier that exhibits wide coverage, low contrast, and a substantial boost in the ambient light level. Sturdily built with fiberglass rods and a metal shaft, this umbrella is well-suited to portraiture, providing fill light and high key effects. It also has the ability to become a shoot-through modifier. Instead of traditionally bouncing your light source inside the umbrella, turn it around and aim the convex side of the umbrella toward your subject. While still diffused, youll get wide coverage and a snappy look with more contrast.

Easy to Mount

Most studio lights include a built-in umbrella receptacle for instant mounting. There are also a variety of mounting brackets available for speedlights with adjustable and tiltable options for precise positioning.

Modify any Light

The umbrella can soften, reflect, and shape whatever light source that you use.
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