Gold Coast Camera Hire

Power Junkie Sony NP-F to Canon LP-E6 Adapter

A must-have tool for photographers and filmmakers. Charge & power all your devices, gadgets and cameras using this incredible device.

No need to rely on multiple power banks, stacks of batteries and chargers to get you through your expedition. The power Junkie turns any Sony NP-F into a portable powering solution. It doesn’t stop there, the Power Junkie is also a charger for your NP-F batteries. It’s a one-stop​ shop for your portable powering needs. The power bank is dead, long live the Power Junkie.

The Sony L-Series NP-F battery is ubiquitous in the film industry, as a film maker you have a handful of these amazing batteries and now you can use them everyday for your most basic powering tasks. Turn all of your NP-Fs into battery banks to keep you powering through the day.

Blind Spot know that film makers and photographers are an industrious bunch; making custom rigs ro solve problems, testing and experimenting with techniques. This is why the Power Junkie comes with a 1/4in thread, cable tie mount and a cold shoe mount, so you’ll be able to rig and use the Power Junkie to work with custom rigs.

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